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The well-known Finalese and its areas

cartina del finalese

24 H 

It is the track of the race "24 hours" of Finale Ligure. It starts from the Ferrin restaurant, with the first part immersed in greenery, on a ground floor and some roots: climbs and descents alternated with short flat stretches. The second part is "sea front", with mixed paths land and gravel, with beautiful views of the sea. It goes back then the dirt road that goes from the traffic light up to the restaurant Ferrin, and you leave it to a quadrivium to go to take the section of Toboga, famous stretch of this track, a fun descent with a quick succession of curves and bends in support. Still a short distance and you return to the starting point. It is not easy to follow the path without making mistakes, but the white marker (a clock) will help you along the route.

Ring of the Roman bridges

It goes back along the Sciusa stream towards Calvisio. After 2 km you will follow the road to Verzi to the right. Turn left to the dirt road of the Roman bridges. You come across a crossroads at km 4.7: You turn right, and you climb to the cave of the weapon, from where you follow the paved road. At a small church, keep to the left, and continue on dirt road until the Ferrin restaurant, on the provincial street. You go to the left on the asphalt, for about 1.5 km. At km 8.7 you leave the asphalt on the left, and go down to the Andrassa meadows. A dirt road rises towards Magnone and enters a dirt road marked with "crossed Circle". You keep your left, up to the asphalt. Immediately to the left you descend along the Via dei Ponti, which leads back to Finalpia.

On Finale Ligure and the whole area there are hundreds of paths and paths between cross-country enduro, downhill and lately also the latest specialty with e-bikes for the uphill.

Colla Micheri e passo Brea

collina di laigueglia e alassio

Starting from Andora you climb from half water on dirt road and you climb to glue micheri passing by a pine forest of
Li I continues on asphalt until you reach the road that leads us up to the top of Poggio Brea. From there, single track flows lead down to the villages of Alassio, Laigueglia and Andora. From Alassio and Laigueglia you will return via Aurelia with alternatives on the routes.


Distance: The short tour 30 km maximum 55 km
Positive altitude difference: 365m
Negative altitude Difference 357m
Quota 371m
Difficulty: Depends

These are just some of the routes that you can do…

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